
Aqua Greens offers one of the best two-piece floater golf balls on the market. Specifically designed for aqua range use, the low-density, two-piece ball is one of the heavier floater balls available, and features an improved dimple pattern for a longer, straighter ball flight. The highly durable Surlyn™ cover is cut-proof and algae resistant, and can travel up to 240 or more yards without warping, splitting or cracking. 

We also offer environmentally friendly golf balls that dissolve in water, causing no harm to the environment. These eco-friendly balls are made of non-toxic materials, and are completely safe to hit into a pond or lake or even into the ocean from a cruise ship.

Pricing Options


Open-Box Pricing

    • 15 Balls: $36.00 free shipping
    • 112 Balls: $221.00 free shipping
    • 147 Balls: $291.00 free shipping
    • Bulk quantities are available in 25 dozen increments.  Contact us for a quote.

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